The Legend of Silver Moon

The Legend of Silver Moon

by Iliana

One moonlit evening, the one yearly evening when the light touches the earth, a sudden light flashed from the top of a mountain…… lightning. Thunder roared. What had been a quiet evening a minute before was now a loud disturbing night. From one hut came a cry just as heavy rain began to fall. ‘Dadda! Mamma!’ a baby who would one day be overcome with amazing power, had been born. She had raised her arms to the sky, calling ‘Father! Mother!’. And as she finally silenced, the sky exploded with color. The chief, who was this little girl’s father, rushed out, shouting, ‘The lights are here!’

Everyone watched the spirit danced in the sky. Suddenly, the lights vanished, leaving a quiet night once more. The lights were gone.

The little girl grew up with a love of all sky related natures. She loved to hear stories about the stars, the sun, and the moon. Her eyes followed the sun at sunset and dawn. Her eyes were the color of twilight. And she was beautiful and intelligent. One day, many many moons after her birth, she was watching the sunset again. Suddenly, this gentle little girl felt a deep pain through her body.

‘Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!’ She cried out. Her mother came rushing out, weaving one of her magical baskets. “What pains you three nights before the spirits meet the earth?” Her mother asked. “For I see no arrow, nor throwing stick.”

“Mother, I must go to the mountains.” Came the little girl’s reply.

“Why is that?” inquired her mother.

“I do not know. But I must go to the top of the light’s peak.”

“No, my daughter. We must gather plants for our food. Our people need it. All the women and little girls will go.”

“But there are no plants! I have seen! The people have greedily used it all! And we cannot go a long way to find some. We do not have enough supplies. But we have enough for two people to journey up the mountain. Please, Mother, please!”

“Very well. As Shaman, I will go with you.”

And at this, she started the preparation to go to the mountain. The little girl helped also. The next day, they would start their journey.

The next day, the little girl and her mother started their journey at day break. After two days, they finally reached the top. Her mother made a small shelter. The little girl climbed on a rock and waited there until the moon light shown on the peak. Her mother was fast asleep.

“Oh, Great Spirit, Come!” the little girl called as soon as the moon was shining into her face. “I will allow you to travel through the moon light!” She raised her arms toward the moon, somehow letting the Spirit travel to her. Suddenly, the light exploded with color.
“What do you want?” a soft gentle voice asked.

“My village has used up all the plants here. But they’ve learned to use nature wisely. Please, Great Spirit, help my people!” the little girl answered.

“Then it is done.” And then, the Spirit was gone. The little girl fell fast asleep.

The next morning, the little girl awoke to cheering. Soft grass grew on the ground below her. The acorns were plenty, and so was the rest of the plant supply. The Great Spirit had kept its promise. The people cheered, thanking the little girl. So just like that, with magic powers to communicate with the Great Spirit through moonlight and sunlight, the little girl helped her people many times. Stories of her spread throughout villages like wildfire. Everyone knew about this brave little girl.

And now, my friends, you too, know the legend of Silver Moon.

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A Chaotic Moment

A Chaotic Moment 
(In Speech Class)

by Iliana

In Speech there was a moment–
Right before the debate.
Some kids were pushing tables and chairs,
Some were playing ‘Open The Gate’.

The tables and chairs were to look like this– (drawing of a 2×4 table^_-.)
A neat, long, table.
Instead, we students made
What looked like a bent cable.

Then everyone had to sit down–
another Kodak minute.
The room was filled with shouts from kids–
It sounded like lions were in it!

That time was a real chaos.
Ask the teacher — he was there!
The you’ll know this story wasn’t 
A bunch of lies yanked out of air!

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Neat Freak Parents

My parents aren’t mean. 
And they are quite clean.
So when they saw all the rust,
And the layers of dust,
My Mom and Dad’s faces turned GREEN.

— from a note Jiujiu left on Mommy and Daddy’s desk. the title was added by Mom. ^_-

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My Pets! Tracey ad Trevor

by Iliana

Take advice from me, I.Z.R. Never ignore six small horns sticking out from the bush in front of your house. Believe me, I’ve experienced that.

It was a sunny afternoon. I returned home from summer camp early. My mother let me run ahead into the house. As I passed the bush, I saw six horns poking out. Rhinos? Triceratops? I tried lifting up one horn, as I caught sight of the frill. Wait a second! Frill!?!? It looked like I was in for a big surprise!

The next morning, I took two baby triceratops to breakfast. I fed the little herbivore a bowl of salad. My mom was actually excited about our new pets. So was Dad. I decided to call them Tracey and Trevor.

Taking them for a walk was fun! I got lots of attention. I fed them twie a day and a snack at midnight. They grew up and had babies before I knew it.

On Tracey’s 30th birthday, my mom, dad and I took our pets camping. we let them free at exactly 2:00 on the last day. Today, I still miss Tracey and Trevor, my pets.

16265534-cartoon-dinosaur-triceratops-vector-picture-isolated-on-white-background-children-illustration-image how-to-draw-a-triceratops-for-kids

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by Iliana

What looks like a mini-football player with wings and has vibrant colors? A parrot!!

Parrots are a type of bird. They have a big, round head with an upside-down egg-shaped body. Their big chest muscles make them look like mini-football players. Some look like paint was splashed onto it.

Parrots can be found in many different places. The first you would probably think about is the Amazon rainforest. Most parrots live in the treetops,  but some unique ones that can’t fly live in brush and grassland places. Some dig out burrows in termite nests. Some can survive the freezing mountain! Brrr!

Munch! munch! Parrots are omnivores. They use their powerful beaks to break open seeds and nuts. Most parrots drink nectar from flowers. Fruits and flowers are also on the menu. However, a few parrots eat worms and slugs. Imagine having slugs for breakfast and worms for dinner every day. BLECH! Wait, no. DOUBLE BLECH!

Parrots are very interesting creatures. Did you know their ears are tucked under feathers on the side of their head? Also, some have short tails while others have long ones. In addition, there are 300 different types of parrots, and the most skilled of them all is the African Gray parrot. Parrots are very interesting, very colorful, and very friendly creatures. How I wish I had one for a pet!


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Have you ever thought about how interesting ants are? I know, I know. You’re thinking ‘ew!!’. But ants are truly magnificent. They make their homes in  mounds of dirt. These are called ant hills. Ants live in colonies, or large groups. The colonies are made of 4 different types of ants! the worker ants, who work for the Queen; The drones, or ‘ lazybones’; the Queen, who lays the eggs; and the soldiers, who defend the colony. If I were an ant, I would be a worker. What would you be?

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My Life as a Butterfly

(Again, this was found in Jiujiu’s class work folder, from last month.)

I crack through my egg by eating it. Yum, yum!! I’m only 1 centimeter long, but i’ll grow, I tell myself.

Chomp, chomp. That’s me eating the delicious leaves. Believe me, it’s scrumptious!

After a while of nonstop eating, I molt for the first time. Aaahhh, it’s nice to get out of that old, tight, skin. 

A few days later, I molt again. After about 2 and a half weeks, I spin a button of silk on a twig. I hang from it and molt for the last time. Now, I’m a chrysalis. From the outside, I’m still. But inside, I’m changing a lot. My wings grow and I get a proboscis. 

Soon, I crack open the chrysalis and dry my damp wings. I spent the rest of my life flying from flower to flower, drinking nectar and laying eggs.

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Mother’s Day

Mom, I think you’re the best mom ever!

I wanna say 4 words:

I’ll love u forever!

You give me privileges,

You kiss me at night.

You say, ‘Morning’ kindly,

in the cool morning light.

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If I were a kite

Found this in Jiujiu’s writing workbook from last school year.  


If I were a kite

If I were a kite, 

I would soar in the light-blue sky without anyone holding onto me.

I would spread humdreds of mischief over the world (maybe a leprechaun would grab me.).

When I see land,

I would gracefully come to a landing. 

I would have tiny hand prints on me (maybe they would be teeny weeny).

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Big Imagination

–Mom, do you know that I have Big Imagination?

–Sure you do~

–Yeah, I can sit outside and watch TV for a whole day without even turning the TV on!~


–Don’t you see? You don’t need a TV to watch. Just look at the sky. Aren’t the clouds telling great stories?!

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